Happy New Year, dear readers...
The pictures added on this post reflect my mindset for the coming year. I believe it is a time to shake off the old and welcome the new. So, today I shake off the negative thoughts and feelings that I would allow to tie me to the past. And, today I accept God/dess' highest and greatest good for my life.
What does that mean in every day terms?

So there's the food component. Now the body component. This is the difficult one for me. With the issues involved with the fibro and OPCA, there are limitations to which attention must be paid. I have hopes that, with time and patience, I will see improvement. Starters will include gentle walking, with knee supports, on flat surfaces. Slow, steady and short distances. Next will be some weight training with very light weights. The Coast Guard base here has an excellent work out room. Third will be swimming. That will wait til May when weather is warmer since the pool at the base is outside. I need the water to be warm. That's the plan for the body.
What about the mind? I'm going to read more. Yes, there are the mystery novels I love so much. However, I want to increase my understanding of politics, faith, social needs, etc. Instead of planting myself in front of the "idiot box" I want to finish my back room ideas and have a place to relax, read, and study. That will include my Bible, my Other Bible (which includes Gnostic writings about which I am very interested), as well as blogs and webzines on different subjects. I put the Bible mentions here first because I want to examine them as interesting writings first. My time will also be spent researching Christo-Pagan writings.
And now the Spirit. This is a big one for me. If you know me, you know I have a deep and abiding spirit life that influences all that I am. Labels? Christian. Pagan. (Yes, they can co-exist.) I enjoy reading the Bible for its life lessons. I enjoy reading the Other Bible for its life lessons and twist on how to see spiritual things. I enjoy reading the writings of the Dalai Lama, Buddha, Lao Tzu, etc. I find them challenging and stirring to my Spirit. I want to dig deeper, feel more, know more...and more importantly, be more of the spiritual person for which I was made.
Those are the basics, folks. I know it's a tall order. I pray I can make headway in all those areas. And the reason is simple: They are all intertwined. I am all those things. To be my greatest, highest self, I must succeed in each area. And to live my life in balance, I must succeed in each area.
There is one area I have only briefly mentioned. That is my relationship with my beloved, Patti. I kinda think it's pretty perfect. We love and support each other in all things. That includes each of the above-mentioned areas. I know that we walk this journey together. And I am blessed beyond words to be able to share my life with her.
These are my desires for 2015.
Great blessings to you, my dear readers, for your New Year. May you find peace, joy, prosperity and joy.

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