If we continue on this trajectory, where police shoot and kill with impunity, our prisons are filled to capacity,and people continue to take the law into their own hands, justify the end by the means, we will be facing a very serious situation. We already have one of the, if not the, highest violent crime problems in the world. There are more guns than books. There are more people joining militia groups than joining prayer groups.
I would like to see our parents take the lead by teaching their children the rights and wrongs of living in a society. I would like to see the school go back to the basics of read, writing, arithmetic, and not dumb down education and be forced, because of children's behavior, to become baby sitters instead of educators. I would like to see the churches, synagogues and mosques return to the moral lessons of our religions and philosophies; the moral absolutes that give us a foundation to build a great society. It would bring us closer to the society of mercy, compassion, and personal responsibility which is missing now.
Please, this day, make a decision to live by those great moral absolutes we knew. When our internal dialogue says to think about what we are doing, we must stop and do so. Is it kind? Is it compassionate? Is it encouraging? Is it helpful? These questions will lead us to be better people.
I had a campus minister many years ago who said something that, at the time, I thought was total heresy. He said, "I've got enough of God. Now I need to learn to be human." I did not get it. Now that I am older, I get it. We spout religious sayings. We spout Jesus here and God there, but we don't align our behavior with what we say. And those who act that way throwing their theologies on others, are no better than the Pharisees. The Pharisees did what they wanted. They made it up as they went along to take advantage of those who were basically powerless. Oh they knew a lot about "God" but they acted with impunity.
I need to be human. I need to care, be kind, encourage others, show compassion, and treat others with respect. In doing these things, I touch the heart of God. I live by moral absolutes. Just take a moment to consider how much better our society would be if we actually taught our children personal responsibility and kindness? Just think about it.
Blessings to you all, my gentle readers.